Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's been 2 months already???

Time sure goes by quickly these days! So much has happened in the past 2 months, since I last posted. So, I am going to post a bunch of pictures (Believe it or not, this is just a small sampling of what was on my camera!) and give you an overview of what has been going on in the Grzemkowski house.

Jumping in leaves, before Thanksgiving...

We had a Thanksgiving weekend visit from the whole Boyse clan, including the newest addition, my sister and brother-in-law's sweet rottweiler, Mercy.

The cousins became fast friends!

Grandpa and Evelyn sharing a little snack...

Evelyn "helping" Bella with the potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner...

Standing around, waiting to eat...

Enjoying the delicious food...

Picking out our Christmas tree, after Thanksgiving...

Evelyn learning to play the guitar...

The next weekend, we had a visit from Grandma and Grandad. Evelyn got really upset when Grandad tried to take his hat and coat back!

Singing "Jingle Bells" with Grandma...

The weekend that Grandma and Grandad visited I ran the St. Jude's marathon (26.2 miles). Here's Phil and I all bundled up before the race began. It was freezing! Phil was such a trooper...He rode is bike to various mile markers to cheer me on, throughout the race. Wesley and Phil's dad also came to cheer me on, for the second half...Seeing all of them really kept me motivated! Phil's mom was kind enough to stay home with Evelyn, who had the stomach flu.
Here I am crossing the finish line...I was so glad to finish, after getting the stomach flu 2 days before the race.

After the race, with my friend Amy...We did it!
Wesley decorating his gingerbread house at his school Christmas party...

Wesley dancing with his good friend, Ethan, at the Christmas party. They all had a LOT of sugar!

We made Santa pancakes one morning over Christmas vacation...

Wesley and Evelyn dressed up for Christmas Eve service...

Evelyn waking up Wesley on Christmas morning...

Wesley giving Evelyn the cat he made for her at Build a Bear...

"Thank you, brother!"

Wesley with his favorite present from Santa...

Evelyn concentrating on the task of opening a present...

We flew to Michigan the day after Christmas...Here's Evelyn with her favorite (only) uncle...

Evelyn with Pinocchio...This was Wesley's favorite when he was her age.

Look at the 3 beautiful Boyse sisters! :)

Evelyn reading with Great Gram Boyse...

Snuggling with Great Gram...Doesn't she look gorgeous for 94?
Walking in the snow with Grandpa...

Wesley playing in the snow...

We had Christmas with the extended Boyse family in Michigan. My cousin's daughter, Alita, was teaching Wesley some origami (Wesley has since become obsessed with paper folding!)...

After riding around in the snow on the four-wheeler with Grandad...
Playing Mouse Trap with Grandma and Grandad...

Snuggling with my friend (Evelyn's godmother) Mary...

Auntie Mary reading Wesley a story before bed...

Snuggling with Auntie and Uncle Mike...

Playing DS with Uncle Mike...

Evelyn was sick most of the time we were in Michigan...Here she is cuddled up with Elmo...

We spent New Year's Eve in Detroit with Mike and Cassie. Phil and Mike really enjoyed the dessert at dinner! :)

I love my sister!!!

Phil and I by Cassie and Mike's tree...

Grandma and Evelyn having a tea party...

Grandad and Wesley snuggling...

Saying our goodbyes at the Detroit airport...

"Love you Uncle Mike!"

Looking at the airplane...

One last group photo...

Wesley had his first Upwards basketball game last week...He is definitely not going pro anytime soon, but the goal of Upwards is to teach kids about the love of God, teach them about the game and how to be a team player, and to promote a positive self-image.

At least he LOOKS like he's paying attention to the game:)...
I love this picture of my sweet boy! Wesley has lost 2 teeth in the past month...Look closely and you can see that the bottom 2 middle baby teeth are gone and the adult teeth are growing in...

Chef Evelyn and her assistant, Kitty...
Going for a ride in her basket "car"...

Going for a ride on poor, sweet Chloe (Who turned 8 this month, by the way.)...

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